Parent Representatives

The school has a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) which meets four times a year. The advisory committee consists of parent representative from each class. The members of the committee share their experience/ expertise/ suggestions/ feedbacks for the development of the institution and long term benefit of the students.

1.Mr. Hemant Kumar chaubeyVIA
2.Ms. Neha TiwariVIB
3.Mr. Praveen Kumar SinghVIC
4.Mrs. Pooja MishraVIIA
5.Dr. Neelam VermaVIIB
6.Shiv Bhushan SinghVIIIA
7.Mr. Dharmendra MishraVIIIB
8.Mr. Khand Pratap SinghVIIIC
9.Mr. Pankaj SinghIXA
10.Mr. Pradeep Kumar SrivastavaIXB
11.Mrs. Niharika SahooIXC
12.Mrs. Hemant ChaubeyIXD
13.Mr. Sanjay Kumar SrivastavaXA
14.MD. AfzalXB
15.Mr. Afroz Sher KhanXC
16.Mr. Mitthu RamXD
17.Mr. Ram Sagar VermaXIA
18.Mr. Ajeet Kumar SrivastavaXIB
19.Mr. Anupam TripathiXIC
20.Mr. Vineet Nandan TripathiXID
21.Mr. Raghvendra Nath SrivastavaXIIA
22.Mr. Anjani ChaturvediXIIB
23.Mr. Shyam Narayan TiwariXIIC
24.Mr. Ashok Kumar SinghXIID
25.MD. AnsarXIIE